Personal development is an ongoing process and unique to each individual, which is why an adaptive, technology-driven learning experience is so important to success.
Gamification makes learning fun and helps learners apply their new training principles on the job. By utilizing real-world scenarios, gamification shows learners exactly how to apply their training. Gamification can also stimulate friendly competition. When learners are motivated by their peers, they're more likely to remember, apply, and change their behavior.
Social learning not only builds community in the workplace, but also allows learners to apply their new skills, share their experiences, and discuss issues. Social learning methods can include online forums where learners can ask and answer questions, engage with interactive chats, or participate in roundtable discussions. This is critical to building a positive company culture that supports your learners throughout their journey.
While using video and audio in training isn't new, dedicated learning technology makes this content easier to consume. Interactive elements stimulate learner engagement, increase retention, and reinforce your learning objectives.
When results are important, an adaptive learning environment that lets staff learn at their own pace is best to reinforce knowledge and skills. Adaptive environments also increase effectiveness by accommodating different learning styles to best suit each learner.
Employees are becoming increasingly distributed, with remote and hybrid work much more prevalent these days. A comprehensive, flexible eLearning platform that's accessible by smartphone, tablet, or computer is crucial to reaching learners where they are, in the flow of work.
Learn more about the science, research, and studies behind Mindmarker's methodology in our eBook, The Science Behind Mindmarker.
This blog post was originally published on September 18, 2017.